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工作地址:广东省 -- 珠海市招聘职位:见正文学历要求:博士及以上发布时间:2021-09-23 发稿编辑:高层次人才网

中美国际学院(简称中美学院,英文:College of Global Talents,简称CGT)是北京理工大学珠海学院于201610月成立的一所专注于同美国一流大学合作、实施高等学历教育的学院,也是北京理工大学珠海学院实施国际化战略的领头羊和主要践行者,学院实行全英文教学。



The College of Global Talents (CGT), a specialized undergraduate college within Beijing Institute of Technology, Zhuhai campus nearby Macau, was established in 2016 and is now serving approximately 900 students.


CGT’s aim is to be an institution which fosters creative, innovative, and ethical learning to bring about a sustainable global future. We intend to achieve these goals through applying critical thinking, encouraging self-knowledge and promoting entrepreneurship, with the vision of creating a better China and a better world.


CGT’s mission is to develop students who thrive via the experience of an innovative educational environment. Our graduates will not only embody a fine understanding of their discipline, they will also be excellent practitioners. They will be equipped with skills that reflect creative problem-solving, foresight and interpersonal cooperation. At CGT, they are encouraged to be self-reliant and resilient, and to possess a highly developed spirit of enquiry. Through the development of these vital skills, attitudes and qualities, our graduates will help organizations and their society to serve a greater global future.

Taking inspiration from the richness of Chinese culture and the latest understandings of the knowledge economy, the CGT community is dedicated to establishing and nurturing a world-class educational environment where responsible, creative, and forward-thinking scholarship can flourish.


The College of Global Talents is seeking applicants for an opening at the Assistant / Associate / Full Professor level beginning September 2019. Applicants must possess relevant degree according to the position.

Applicants should exhibit potential for publication of scholarly research but is not required. English is the medium of instruction. The compensation package is competitive. We advocate an American classroom culture with small class sizes.

We welcome candidates with interests in our liberal arts and interdisciplinary studies core curriculum. Faculty members undertake teaching tasks according to the requirements of  CGT and are expected to provide academic advising and mentorship to students, and engage in service to the department, college, university, and community.


Zhuhai is a tropical and ecological city in China situated along the coastline of the Pearl River Delta in the Greater Bay area (to learn more: http://www.cityofzhuhai.com/index.html). The city is within a 1 – 2.5 hours traveling distance, by ferry or car, to many additional scenic attractions and major cities including Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Macau, and Shenzhen. 


To apply, please send an application package, including:

-   Your latest resume;

-   undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD degrees;

-   a statement of teaching philosophy;

-    a cover letter.

Your application package contents can be emailed to hro@cgt.bitzh.edu.cn. Please include the job reference number in the subject line.

For more information on the College of Global Talents please go to http://cgt.bitzh.edu.cn/



1. 具有高尚的师德、学术道德和良好的教风。具有坚实的理论基础和丰富的教学经验;
2. 具有较强的教学能力和良好的教学效果。每学期按照学院的要求承担教学任务;
3. 有较高的外语水平,能够用英文教课,并能够与国际上同行学者进行流畅的交流;
4. 积极参加本院的学术活动,并参与教育教学改革和课程建设;
5. 能够承担或参与学院内的公共服务工作,积极为学生提供学术建议和指导。





投递招聘简历时请注明来源于:高层次人才网 https://www.gccrcw.com/,提供硕博招聘信息研究生人才招聘信息。


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